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Tower Insurance Trials Parametric Cyclones Over In Fiji-

From the recent headlines – 

Tower Insurance has launched a pilot run of it’s cyclone response cover project in 2 villages in ahead 9f the 2022 / 2023 cyclone season.

The cover will be tried in Ketei village on Totoya Island and Kavala on Kadavu.

Over 500 families from the location are set to join the trial of this latest parametric insurance product that will be launched in October by the firm.

The following product is going under brief trials in Ketu village of Totoya Island and the Kadavu location. In this business move , Tower joins with Fiji Care Insurance and Sun Insurance as it’s product underwriters which provides up with 0re determined payouts for spontaneous events such as weather based index events.

The firm also collaborated with UNCDF, through its flagship Pacific Insurance and Climate Adaption program, that aims to provide support in rolling out parametric micro insurance products in Fiji, claimed by Krishnan Narasimhan.

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