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Augusta Mutual Selects Insurtech Betterview

Augusta Mutual Insurance Company chose Betterview to lead and improve risk selection and provide better insight to property condition.

Things To Know About Betterview 

The insurance company headquartered in San Francisco and found in 2014, let the users experience the next generation based insurance, claims and profitable sources. The company helps with it’s evolution based AI and computing vision to monitor out the risk and making the agreement more transparent. The company works on the vision of repair and replace to predict and prevent and holds a specialty in P&C field of insurance.

Things To Know About Augusta Mutual Insurance Company 

The company was founded in 1870 as East Augusta Mutual Fire Insurance Company. It provides coverage for several fields like home, business, auto and other types of insurance to the people of Virginia.

The company portrays a significant impact of innovation, leading it towards the way of Betterview Property Intelligence & Risk Management Platform.

The Leaders View On The Following –

David Johnson, president and chief executive officer at Augusta Mutual, claimed that, “The Betterview platform is exactly what we were looking for to improve our oversight on property condition. We need to be able to analyze and manage risk for properties across the state – many of them in isolated rural areas. The Betterview combination of high-quality aerial imagery and computer vision insights allows us to do so without overly relying on in-person inspections. The platform will make our underwriting process easier, faster, and less expensive.”Dave Tobias, co-founder and chief operating officer at Betterview, said that, “This is just another example of a great insurer becoming even stronger with the help of a property intelligence platform. The folks at Augusta are committed to doing everything they can to provide maximum value to their members. I am pleased that our platform can help them to further this mission, both by predicting and preventing losses and by reducing expenses.”

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