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AWE USA 2020 is set to promote the cutting-edge AR/VR development in March 2020

With an intention to advance augment reality and bring spatial computing to the mainstream, AWE is bringing yet another significant AR/VR conference and expo very soon in the USA. It provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity for event attendees to learn, inspire and experience one of the most prominent disruptive technologies.

With more than 100,000 Sq.Ft. exhibition space, the event will witness 250+ exhibitors, 300+ speakers and 7,000+ attendees promoting the cutting-edge AR/VR development. The 3-day conference will reveal how startups and big organisations have embraced and can embrace the digital transformation to drive economic growth.

Like every year, even this year the biggest tech giants will be gracing the stage of AWE USA 2020. Creatorsprofessionals, software developers, hardware developers, startups can attend the event. Investors interested in discovering new investments, partner active investors or are interested in knowing the latest immersive technologies are also invited to attend AWE. Even product leaders, CEOs, CTOs, futurists, analysts and every tech enthusiast who wish to get awe-inspired by the augmented world can attend the event.

Some colossal featured companies that would be attending the conference this year include Amazon, Facebook, Google, Oculus, Johnson & Johnson, GE, Qualcomm, HTC, Walmart.

The AWE conference will take place on May 27 – 29, 2020 at the Great America Pkwy, Santa Clara, CA 95054, USA, inviting leading press to cover the latest progress and innovations.

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