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Bamboo Offers Coverage To Home Owners Of Arizona

Things To Know About Bamboo Insurance

The privately held company founded in 2018 is headquartered in Midvale. Bamboo Insurance is a leading insurance company having a mission to deliver easy and innovative insurance experience to it’s customers. The firm holds a specialty in the background of insurance, home insurance, auto insurance, rent Insurance, pet insurance, national insurance, customer service and technology.

It aims to provide affordable homeowners coverage in disrupted markets such as of Arizona due to the severe weather conditions prevailing over there. This will not only uplift the market over there but also provide the homeowners of Arizona with a pocket friendly yet innovative insurance as well.

The efficiency of the company is quoted in and as “unwavering focus on customer advocacy.” It uses data and technology for easing the insurance which creates transparency and trust between the insurance provider and the policyholders.

What Are The Views Of Leading Members Of The Firm On This 

John Chu, Bamboo founder and CEO, said, “The launch of our Arizona product represents an exciting milestone in our expansion outside of California. By leveraging our proprietary underwriting models and easy to use technology platform, we’re able to offer customizable coverage, for the right price, to the Arizona market.”Jonathan Vitale, Bamboo co-founder and vice president of sales, added, “When we started Bamboo, the vision was to push the insurance industry forward by providing quality products and coverage to our insureds. We paired that with a big emphasis on leveraging technology to deliver to our agents an industry-leading quoting platform that is focused on speed, ease of use, and simplicity. We’re thrilled to be able to bring that experience to Arizona.”

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