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Fluffy, Pet Care App Grabs $450K On Launch Of Pet Insurance

In a recent pre seed funding round led by the knowing firms, Fluffy grabs an hefty amount of $450k in the round. Below are the details of the fundings.

Things To Know About Fluffy – 

The privately held company founded in 2017 and headquartered in London is basically an IT software and IT consultancy. The company has a grip in field for pet care and insurance and holds a specialty in insurance for dog, cat and health care insurance for the pets. It has a membership available 24/7 platform aimed at dog owners and claims for a service that covers ‘all you need’ to raise a healthy and happy pet.

What Does The Membership Offers –

Its full membership of the company, customers can redeem dog training from experts, 24/7 vet support and insurance coverage for their pets. To make it more worthy,  reward points are also given to users, which are for dog food, smart collars, dog toys and flea treatment. Whereas, if the points are to be used by the customer itself, they can be used in to have an access of, Amazon Prime membership, cinema tickets, Netflix subscriptions and coffee.

Companies Leading The Round –

As per the reports from UK Business Angels Association, QVentures and Techstars served as the lead investors to the round. Other commitments came from unnamed, high-profile angel investors. With the whopping amount of funds gained,  Fluffy aims to provide more employment for product development, marketing and customer service teams.

What Are The Views Of Leading Members Of The Firms –

Speaking on the deal, Fluffy CEO Pavel Gertsberg said that, “Our goal is to give pet owners peace of mind by taking the financial burden off their shoulders in case of any medical emergency their beloved pets may have, while also supporting them with their day-to-day pet parent responsibilities. We believe this funding round will help us achieve that goal, and we’re excited to continue growing our product.”QVentures principal Harveer Bharaj on this added saying that, “Fluffy is aiming to redefine how pet care works, ensuring that not only do the customers save money but that they also become better pet parents in the process. Since meeting Pavel and German, we’ve been impressed by the rate at which they’ve progressed Fluffy, and having now led their pre-seed round are even more excited to see what the future holds!”

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