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business impacted in Hurricane

32% of Businesses to be impacted in Counties Vulnerable to Hurricane

The month of August is near and people in the United States are near to the season of Hurricane. It is well known that the US loses a huge amount to the disaster made by the hurricane. Also, there are around 255 coastline counties in the counties which face the hurricane. However, it will amaze you the fact that around 29% of people of the country have shared in these coastline areas.

The authorities are planning and working together so they can minimize the losses by hurricanes to these local businesses. These local businesses give employment to the local people who expand its impact on the economy of that area and state. As per a report around 31.9% of employers, businesses are in these coastline areas. 

These businesses employed 37.1 million workers which amount to around 28.9% of the national total. Moreover, the share of all businesses in coastline counties is a reflection of the US population. They are the people that are living in these areas. 

The share of businesses in some North American Industry Classification Systems (NAICS) is very much similar to population share as the residents are mostly the customers of these businesses. By comparing, the share of businesses in NAICS sectors for example agro, mining, and utilities are much lower than the population share. This is because these industries are dependent on farmland or fuel sources. 

However, they have a huge customer base. As expected some sectors related to creativity, imagination, and performing arts are denser in these coastline counties. Also, this is because they give service to the resident as well as tourists.

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