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ATTACHMENT DETAILS Association-of-Consumer-Support-Organisations-ASCO

ASCO Receives 16 New Members in Response to COVID-19

The Association of Consumer Support Organisations (ASCO) has announced 16 new members and associate members so far in 2020 in response to COVID -19 pandemic.

ACSO was established as a not-for-profit membership body in 2019 to represent “the interests of consumers as claimants in the civil justice system”. Now it has 60 full and associate members with a combined turnover of more than £1billion.

Executive director Matthew Maxwell Scott commented that the reason for a substantial increase in membership is partly due to the firm’s “buying into our view that the claims sector is best served by a single, powerful voice that has the interests of consumers as its core purpose”.

Matthew added “We have substantially broadened our remit to cover areas of civil justice where our industry had no voice at all, such as claims management company regulation and legal expenses insurance, both of which have a huge social impact. We’re now active in nine core policy areas which are all connected to supporting consumers in the civil justice system”.

“We are also delighted to welcome lawtech firms such as Rocket Lawyer, NuvaLaw and Zeus Technology Solutions, who will play a key role in guiding our ambition to improve access to justice through technology, not least during the Covid pandemic, which has caused a growing backlog in civil cases”, Matthew added.

The new ASCO members joined in 2020 include; 3D Rehab, BCR Legal Group, Bush & Co, CBT Clinics, Claimspace, IRN Research, MAG (Motorcycle Action Group), MMA Digital, National Accident Law, NuvaLaw, Rocket Lawyer,SGI Legal, True Solicitors, WARP, Your Law, and Zeus Technology Solutions.

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