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Beazley Shakes Up International Management Liability Team

Catherina MacCabe (shown above), the focus group leader for Beazley’s international management liability (IML) team, has announced her retirement. Oliver Wheeler will take over as her successor on July 1st (pictured below). Emma Pereira has also been elevated as the team’s product leader.

For more than five years, MacCabe has led the IML team. During that period, she assisted the IML team in becoming a market leader in London and contributed to the expansion of Beazley’s D&O and management liability book in Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

“Catherina will be remembered for her underwriting expertise, and the IML team has become stronger under her guidance,” said Gerard Bloom, head of international, specialised risks. “I, as well as her colleagues, brokers, clients, and peers, will miss her immensely.” I wish her a long and happy retirement.”

Wheeler, who first joined Beazley in 2021, will succeed MacCabe. He formerly worked with AON London, Chubb, Axis, and Liberty in different underwriting and leadership roles, as well as managing financial lines portfolios in New York and Madrid.”The strength and depth of the IML team is demonstrated by Oli taking up the reins, backed up by Emma, who begins her new role on July 1st,” Bloom stated. “Their combined talents and experience will be crucial as we work to meet our aggressive development goals and assist our clients in navigating the increasingly complex liability risk landscape that they confront in these trying times.”

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