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Capchase Delivers $100m Funding Boost To Women And Minority-Led Startups

Things To Know About Capchase

A growth partner of SaaS, Capchase is a privately held company centered in New York. The financial services based industry holds major specialties in revenue financing, growth funding and SaaS. The company was launched in the year 2020 for serving financing solutions tailored for Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) companies. The company will majorly focus on mid financed startups.

In the last span of 2 years the company has successfully deployed more than $100m to needful projects. For doing such in a smooth going way, Capchase has used its unique AI technology to leverage the speed at which the funds were sanctioned accordingly.

This company had urged more success bands to its feed by reviewing the data extracted from the year of 2021 and the economic slump in 2022, which caused venture investment to rise by over 50%, only worsened the disparity. In the U.S., only 2% of total venture capital funding during 2022 was allocated to women-founded startups, with minority-founded companies receiving a mere 1.8%. This problem extends beyond the U.S.; in Europe, teams comprised solely of women secured just 1% of total capital in 2022, while minority-founded startups raised 0.7%.

Thus, after reviewing the following extracted data Capchase has joined hands with more than 4,000 businesses and partners, making $2bn in funding available to the SaaS sector.

From this 100mn of funding will enable the company to support deserving women and minority founders without the inherent bias typically found in traditional funding processes to ease their business journey.

As per the company norms, female-founded startups maintained a lower median burn rate than male-founded startups in comparison— a key indicator of startup among the list were health, longevity, and growth.

What Are The Views Of Leading Members Of The Firm On This –

Capchase co-founder and CEO Miguel Fernandez said, “We all have a role in improving equality in the technology industry and providing women- and minority-founders with the funding they need to grow is one of the areas where we knew we could help. At Capchase our data-driven approach to providing revenue-based financing gives us the ability to support brilliant women and minority founders without the inherent bias typically found in traditional funding processes.”

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