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Equisoft Bags An Amount Of $125mn In Recent Funding

Things To Know About Equisoft

Equisoft is a privately held company is in 1994 and headquartered in Montréal. This is basically an IT services and IT consultancy type of firm holding specialties in Data Conversion and Migration, Admin server, Asset Allocation, CRM, Financial Need and Services, Oracle Insurance Policy Administration, Electronic Application, Insurance Illustrations, Wealth management, insurance solutions, Insurance software, policy administration and agency management system.

Equisoft provides and let it’s customers redeem one of the finest and best digitalized generation based insurance policies and claims. The company has offices in 16 countries all around the globe and is a global provider of advanced insurance and investment digital solutions.

Recently, the firm went under a funding round and grabbed am estimated amount of $125mn. The new funding will contribute to its global expansion, leverage further development of its integrated life insurance software platform and wealth products and strategic acquisitions as said by the firm.

What Are The Views Of Leading Members Of The Firm On This –Equisoft CEO, Luis Romero, said, “Digital transformation and customer experience projects are no longer optional. Equisoft’s mission is to help companies through this process – at any stage of digital maturity – by delivering the most trusted solutions for complex financial services challenges. Our customer focused approach has enabled us to gain the confidence of some of the largest financial institutions around the world. We are honored by the trust and funding from our long-time investors and are thrilled to welcome Investissement Québec and the government of Québec as new investment partners. Their focus on domestic and international growth is a great fit with our expansion strategy as we look to further develop our global footprint through continued investment in our people, our products and through international acquisitions.”

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