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Pet Insurtech Kanguro Expands US Footprint

 Things To Know About Kanguro

Kanguro is an insurance based industry founded in 2021 and headquartered in Miami, Florida. The company holds specialties in insurance and insurtech. I provides easy to claim insurance for Spanish speaking Americans in a single click. Easy to use and easy to claim it offers range of coverage for pets starting from healthcare to wellness. The company is 100% bilingual (Spanish and English) and 100% digital too.

The company holds a vision to modernize the insurance experience for Spanish-speaking Americans. Thus, the firm has even planned for introducing rental insurance soon. The company has set it’s working branches on 17 states till the time.

Looking at the rising costs of insurance in US into the sectors of veterinary, Kanguro has initiated the claims and services which are affordable yet easy to use.

Looking at the growth of this insurance firm, it is seen in every pet owners handset which clears how much customer friendly the firm has become.

What Are The Views Of Leading Members Of The Firm On This 

Andres Mishaan, co-founder, said, “Working in insurance all of my professional life has opened my eyes to the immense opportunity to improve the consumer experience within the financial services industry. The concept of having a product that can be easily used in people’s everyday lives – especially when done with technology and backed by a team of real people is incredibly valuable. We created a pleasant experience that does not take time out of customers day and that is very similar to other e-commerce or online banking experiences which people are already accustomed to. It’s the new and improved way to purchase and use everyday insurance which is not just there for emergencies.”

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