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Sian Fisher to abdicate as CEO of the CII

It is big news from the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) today, as the federation has announced that Sian Fisher, CEO, will be stepping down next year after more than six years overseeing the professional body. Fisher, who was first appointed CEO in 2016, will complete a six-month notice duration and depart on March 31, 2022.

In a Press release, the CII noted that during her tenure as CEO Fisher led the modernisation of the CII, resolving several complex and historic issues, in improvement to overseeing the delivery of a new Manifesto, CII strategy, IT transformation and a substantial culture change programme. Examining her experience as CEO, Fisher highlighted that when she joined the institute in 2016, she committed to modernising the organisation to ensure it is “fit for the future” and able to support the vital role its members play in society.

“I’ve always believed that helping advance the influence and impact of the insurance and personal finance profession, is enabling advance opportunity and equality for all,” she said. “It has been an absolute privilege to work with all my dedicated friends and the board to transition the CII into a more bearable, ‘relevant, modern and diverse’ professional body.

“I look forward to expanding the next six months overseeing our forthcoming membership consultation – Shaping the Future Together – and supporting the evolution to a successor who will lead the next stage of the CII’s development.”

Fisher’s term would have finished at the end of 2020 but due to the effect of COVID and the arrival of a new CII chair in July 2020, she offered to extend her tenure, ensuring the CII had a clear next phase to move into.

Commenting on the news, Dr Helen Phillips, CII chair, said Fisher led the CII at a pivotal time and the CII board is grateful for all that she has achieved. She added that the board look forward to developing her legacy, with an emphasis on building public trust and helping its members to support their clients in becoming more financially resilient.

“I want to thank Sian personally, it has been a privilege and a delight to work with someone whose intellectual agility and commitment to the CII is matched only by her integrity, graciousness and unerring good humour,” Dr Phillips said. “I look forward to continuing to work together over the next six months.”

The CII noted that Fisher’s decision to step down has been timed to take the institute through the forthcoming membership consultation – Shaping the Future Together – which is due to launch in October and conclude in Q1 2022. This will allow the board to recruit a successor to move forward with its refreshed strategy and resulting five-year plan.

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