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2021 saw a 31% increase in VR-related insurance claims

Insurer Aviva found a 31% jump in home contents claims involving virtual reality (VR) headsets last year, marking a 68% overall increase since 2016 

Aviva has revealed that the claim involving VR rose by 31% by last year. The incidents that involve VR headset is the majority of which is related to the accidental damage and the average value of the claim be approximately to $650. The home claim which was related to VR headsets has grown 68% from 2016.
UK property claim director Kelly Whittington said, “As new games and gadgets become popular, we often see this playing through in the claims made by our customers.” 

Ensuring home insurance fits customers needs 

Virtual reality (VR) is similar to complete different from the real world. This aims the claim that create a sensory experience of good sight, touch, hearing, and in some it include taste and smell too. This claim also include a controller being thrown into a television. 

“These devices can be a great source of fun, but we’d encourage people to be mindful of their surroundings and take a look at their home insurance to make sure it suits their needs.” Said Whittington. 

Growth of the VR industry 

Oculus is a company that has invented headset and which was brought by tech giant Facebook for $2 billion in 2014 . Oculus hits at the top of Apple App Store for the first time on Christmas day 2021. 

This industry is growing faster in the globe In VR market size which was more then  US$ 12 billion by segment that increase the development of VR game into the industry. Aviva is warning people to be more careful when they play VR and be sure that the area around it is clear.

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