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Overhaul Bags An Amount Of $73m In It’s Recent Funding Of Supply Chain Visibility And Insurance Claims

Things To Know About Overhaul

Overhaul is a transport, logistics, storage and supply chain based industry founded in 2016. The privately held company is headquartered in Austin and holds major specialties in technology, mobile application, commercial trucking industry, real time visibility option, OTP management system, Logistics, Insurtech, supply chain visibility, cargo theft prevention and recovery.

As per Overhaul, global supply chain disruptions and volatile markets are in strong demand for solutions that can stop disruptions before their occurrence. Unlike providers that focus on on-time arrival performance, the company’s visibility, risk management and prevention capabilities are some core qualities that give companies a real-time view into their supply chain. This allows them to manage risk more precisely and results in a stress-free nurturing environment.

The estimated fund is planned to be used in  the capital for global expansion, enhancement of products and fund its recent aqusition of security services provider named SensiGuard.

What Are The Views Of Leading Members Of The Firm On This Barry Conlon, CEO and founder of Overhaul, said, “This latest growth financing positions Overhaul to be a front runner as a profitable business in real-time visibility and risk management with a fraction of capital but at a similar scale to unicorns in the space. The funding is also a validation of Overhaul’s commitment to transforming supply chain visibility and risk management and our strategy in the fluctuating LogTech market.”

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