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SpiderOak , Cyber Security Solutions Provider Bags An Hefty Amount Of $16.4m

The following investment was led by Empyrean Technology Solutions, a space technology platform which is backed by funds. These funds are affiliated with private equity firm Madison Dearborn Partners. And other leading sectors like Method Capital and OCA Ventures also contributed capital to the Series C round.

Recently, the cybersecurity solution provider signed a deal with the US Defense Innovation Unit to demonstrate OrbitSecure’s zero-trust protocol on-orbit for it’s further upliftment.

Things To Know About SpiderOak –

SpiderOak is a software company founded in 2007 and headquartered in Lenexa. The company aims to provide software to have a hustle free mission success with ultimate security and usability at low investment. The company also works for The Department of Defense, US government agencies and other such major corporations.

How These Funds Are Beneficial –

These funds will let the company to finish up with it’s orbit testing and help it achieve the goal step of OrbitSecure 2.0. This capital will let SpiderOak to locate its headquarters in major developing regions like- Reston, Virginia and hire more positions for more for its Mission Systems’ program and engineering teams.

But this needs a proper planning too  The cybersecurity solution provider is in search of a space cybersecurity laboratory for hardware in the loop qualification testing for OrbitSecure and custom mission partner solutions. Thus this flagship solution will leverage the core of key management system to give full availability and continued operations in space rather than disrupted or highly nucleated networks which will empower growth of space resiliency to multi-vendor, multi-network, mesh proliferated low-Earth orbit (LEO) networks. This will significantly reduce the attack surface as well as the ability of adversaries to block in jam, disrupt, modify, or contest space communications and satellite services.

What Does The Company Offers –

The CyberTech company,  offers services to the major fields of civil, military and commercial firms and boasts HIPAA compliance. It also supports the leading customers who are subject to the regulation. Its CrossClave tool within the system lets them share files and collaborate in real-time based programming, this also relates to the maintaining of compliance.

Words From The Leading Members –SpiderOak CEO Dave Pearah said, “SpiderOak’s software solution begins by securing every data record, both in transit and at rest. We have designed it to be backwards compatible with legacy space systems, to allow current on orbit systems to take the step to much higher cybersecurity protections. With its ultra-low storage and processor needs, OrbitSecure is the ideal solution for the next generation of mesh networks in proliferated LEO.

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